
The latest journal coverage on lifestyle, nutrition, supplements, wellness and exercise.

7 Missteps in Your Weight Loss Journey and How to Avoid Them exercise lifestyle nutrition

Weight loss is a journey fraught with misinformation and misconceptions. After personally navigating the treacherous waters of weight loss, muscle gain, and lifestyle balance, I’ve identified...

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Navigating Weight Loss During Menopause: A Guide for Sustainable Health exercise lifestyle nutrition

Menopause marks a natural transition in a woman’s life, but it’s often accompanied by less welcome changes, such as energy dips, mood fluctuations, and weight gain. Understanding why...

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Age Gracefully with Exercise exercise
“I feel better than I did in my 20s and 30s.”

This isn’t a boast from an elite athlete, but a common refrain from my clients who have embraced the synergy of tailored workouts and...

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Five Habits to Break for Effective Muscle Building in Women exercise

Muscle-building in women is not just about picking the right program or diet; it’s about shedding the habits that hold us back. As a fitness coach, I’ve observed that habits beneficial...

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Navigating Perimenopause: Natural Strategies for Easing the Transition exercise lifestyle wellness

Menopause, a natural phase in a woman’s life, often conjures images of hot flashes and mood swings in the 50s. However, its precursor, perimenopause, begins much earlier, sometimes in our...

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The Paradox of Losing Inches Without Losing Weight exercise nutrition
The Paradox of Losing Inches Without Losing Weight: Understanding the Muscle-Fat Dynamics

Have you ever found yourself losing inches around your waist, but the scale stubbornly refuses to budge?...

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How to Get Your Health Back on Track After the Holidays exercise lifestyle nutrition wellness

The holiday season is filled with family, friends and plenty of fun. However, the holiday season can also be filled with health decisions that make things a little bit more difficult when you flip...

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6 Tips to Stick to Your Fitness Goals This Year exercise lifestyle nutrition

Last year may not have gone as planned specific to your fitness goals, but the new year is your chance to get back on track and get started on the path to health again.

How can you stick...

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The Surprising Power of Shorter, High-Intensity Workouts exercise

Contrary to popular belief, spending more time on the treadmill, the StairMaster, or perfecting biceps curls might not be the most effective approach to fitness. This traditional image of long...

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Fit from Home: Embracing Virtual Personal Training exercise lifestyle

While a gym or fitness class may not be your scene, home workouts can offer a convenient alternative to stay fit and healthy.

Establishing a home exercise routine can alleviate stress, maintain...

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