
The latest journal coverage on lifestyle, nutrition, supplements, wellness and exercise.

Yvonne's Triumph: Dropping 10 Sizes with Brooktree - A Journey of Change lifestyle success wellness

Yvonne's Transformational Journey with Brooktree Consulting: A Story of Determination and Triumph

How Yvonne Overcame Weight Challenges and Dropped from a Size 26 to 16

As a mother of three,...

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Carmen's 48-Pound Weight Loss Story with Brooktree Consulting lifestyle success wellness

Carmen's Incredible Transformation with Brooktree Consulting: A Story of Mindset and Triumph

Carmen's Journey: Losing 48 Pounds and Gaining a New Perspective on Health

Carmen's story of...

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Farah's 39-Pound Weight Loss Transformation with Brooktree Consulting lifestyle success wellness

Farah's Weight Loss Success: A Journey of 39 Pounds Lighter and a Healthier Lifestyle

How Farah Found Freedom and Confidence with Brooktree Consulting

Farah's inspiring journey with Brooktree...

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50 Lbs Lighter: Health Reclaimed with Brooktree Consulting lifestyle success wellness

A Transformative Health Odyssey: At 4'11", this client's weight loss story is profound, marking a shift from 200.4 to a vibrant 130.5 pounds. The reduction of her body fat from a staggering 54.4%...

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Bonita's Breakthrough: 100 Pounds Lighter and Focused on a Healthier Future with Brooktree Consulting lifestyle success wellness

Bonita's Latest Update: As Bonita reflects on her weight loss journey, she shares her progress and the continuous challenge of staying on track. "After losing a significant amount of weight, I was...

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