Guide to Healthier Choices: Beyond Ultra Processed Foods


In today's fast-paced world, our diets have drastically shifted, leading us down a path of health challenges and early mortality. As a seasoned expert in health and nutrition, I, Kurt Dixon, am here to illuminate the hidden dangers of ultra processed foods and guide you towards a healthier lifestyle.

Understanding the Enemy: Ultra Processed Foods

Ultra processed foods, laden with additives like emulsifiers, stabilizers, and artificial sweeteners, are more than just unhealthy choices; they are the primary culprits behind a plethora of health issues including heart disease, diabetes, and even mental health problems. The shocking reality is that these foods are designed not to nourish but to profit, often repurposing cheap materials into addictive and harmful products.

Five Steps to Identifying and Avoiding Ultra Processed Foods

  1. Read the Ingredients: Begin your journey to better health by scrutinizing ingredient lists. The long list of additives is your first clue to identifying ultra processed foods. Knowledge is power, and understanding these lists is crucial.
  2. Keep Eating Ultra Processed Foods - Temporarily: This might sound counterintuitive, but it's a powerful method to create aversion. As you learn about the harmful effects of these foods, your desire for them will naturally decrease.
  3. Don’t Over-Focus on Fat, Salt, and Sugar: Real food, prepared at home, regulates your intake of these components naturally. The issue with modern obesity isn’t homemade fatty or sugary foods; it's the ultra processed food that disrupts our body’s natural balance.
  4. Understand the Impact of Additives: Many additives disrupt our gut microbiome and metabolic health. For instance, emulsifiers act like detergents, potentially causing inflammation and leaky gut syndrome, leading to serious health conditions.
  5. Take Action: Start with changing your breakfast routine, opting for whole food alternatives. Lunch can be more challenging, but preparation and mindful choices go a long way. Remember, for many, real food is a luxury. Thus, if affordable, choose whole foods as much as possible.

The Deeper Problem: Industry Manipulation and Government Regulation

This crisis of health is not a personal failing but a consequence of predatory food industry practices. These corporations, much like the tobacco industry, create addictive products that profit from our ill health. We must urge governments to enforce strict regulations on these industries to drive meaningful change.

Your Path Forward: Empowerment Through Choice

If you're in a position to make a dietary change, I encourage you to do so. Remember, obesity and related diseases aren't personal failures but the result of a flawed system. As we collectively push for change, we can create a healthier, more informed society.

Join the Movement Towards Health and Wellness

At Brooktree Consulting, I understand the challenges of navigating today's food landscape. I'm committed to guiding you through this maze towards a healthier, more fulfilling life. Whether it's through my courses or one-on-one consultations, I'm here to empower you with the knowledge and tools to make healthier choices. Become a Wellness or Lifestyle client TODAY and take your first step towards a healthier you.


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